Masking and flattening a spectrum

Often in high resolution spectroscopy we wish to designate the continuum—regions in the spectrum devoid of spectral lines. The continuum is conspicuous in hot stars, but becomes ill-defined in cool M-dwarfs. In this tutorial we show how to define the continuum using muler and specutils.

from muler.hpf import HPFSpectrum
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%config InlineBackend.figure_format='retina'
path = ''
filename = 'Goldilocks_20210801T083618_v1.0_0036.spectra.fits'
raw_spectrum = HPFSpectrum(file = path+filename, order=6)
spectrum = raw_spectrum.sky_subtract(method='vector').remove_nans().deblaze().normalize()

Look at those conspicuous sharp spectral lines and the smooth dip near 10940 Angstroms. Let’s divide the spectrum by a tuned model.

from gollum.phoenix import PHOENIXSpectrum
native_template = PHOENIXSpectrum(teff=9600, logg=5.0, download=True).normalize()
doctored_template = native_template\
ax = spectrum.plot(ylo=0, label='A0V Star');
doctored_template.plot(ax=ax, label='Doctored A0V Template'); ax.legend();
telluric_response = spectrum / doctored_template

Normalize by the top 10th percentile, rather than the median…

spectrum_peak = np.percentile(telluric_response.flux, 65)
telluric_response = telluric_response.divide(spectrum_peak)
ax = telluric_response.plot(ylo=0);
ax.axhline(1.0, color='k', linestyle='dotted');

The continuum should all hover near \(1.0\). You can see that the spectrum has a slight downward curvature to it, with the blue-most values about \(5\%\) lower than \(1.0\), and some red-end values exceeding \(1.0\) by 2 percentage points.

Let’s mask all the lines, fit a smooth function to the continuum, and then flatten by that function, evaluated at all wavelength points.

Masking the lines and fitting the continuum

import astropy.units as u
from specutils import SpectralRegion
from specutils.manipulation import extract_region
from specutils.fitting import find_lines_derivative, fit_continuum
continuum_subtracted = telluric_response-1.0

Here we find all the absorption lines above some threshold.

lines = find_lines_derivative(continuum_subtracted, flux_threshold=0.05)
lines = lines[lines['line_type'] == 'absorption']
ax = telluric_response.plot(ylo=0);
ax.axhline(1.0, color='k', linestyle='dashed');

for line in lines:
    ax.axvline(line['line_center'].value, linestyle='dotted', color='k', alpha=0.5)

Neat, we see that we have found the most conspicuous lines. Let’s mask these lines with a \(\pm1\;\)A width.

line_regions = SpectralRegion.from_line_list(lines, width=2.0*u.Angstrom)

Fit the continuum while excluding the spectral lines.

continuum_model = fit_continuum(telluric_response, exclude_regions=line_regions)
continuum_fit = continuum_model(telluric_response.wavelength)
continuum_spectrum = HPFSpectrum(flux=continuum_fit,
                                 spectral_axis = telluric_response.wavelength)
ax=telluric_response.plot(ylo=0, label='Telluric response')
ax.axhline(1.0, color='k', linestyle='dashed');
continuum_spectrum.plot(ax=ax, label='Continuum fit');

Nice! That looks OK. You can see that we are fitting to weak telluric lines at 10910 A, which pulls down the fit from 10890. So it’s not perfect.

flattened_telluric = telluric_response/continuum_spectrum
ax.axhline(1.0, color='k', linestyle='dashed');

Hooray! We have flattened the continuum! :) In practice this process takes some more fine-tuning of the model complexity, etc, and one may prefer a strategy of iteratively fitting and masking. Ideally we would use the GP smoothing technique, which is possible.